Cortinarius armillatus

Cortinarius armillatus

The Braclet ‘cort' is plentiful in the northeast. It is mycorrhizal with conifers. It has a scaly rust-brown convex cap with a paler margin that may bear a central knob when expanded. The gills are initially whitish but become rust-brown as spores mature and are released. Remnants of the cortina can be found on the cap margin and encircling in rings the stem, which has an enlarged base.

Though edible, few consider it ‘choice’. It is not recommended for collecting by collectors new to mushrooming, since it can be confused with Corts that contain the deadly chemical called orellanine. In fact, according to a recent study (2016), it does contain some orellanine, but in quantities less than 1% of that found in Cortinarius orellanusThis mushroom is in the Cortinarius family of the Agaricales order.