Lactarius pubescens var. pubescens

Lactarius pubescens 09280006

Lactarius pubescens var. pubescens, Fries, “Downy Milky”

Medium to large white to cream dry convex cap having a sticky depressed center and a coarsely hairy inrolled margin that becomes flat to vase-shaped, somewhat smoother overall and more pinkish-orange on the disc with maturity. The white to cream gills are crowded, attached to subdecurrent, acquire a pale pinkish cast and bruise ochre-brown. The stipe is initially whitish and smooth, becoming hollow and yellow-brown from the base upward with a pinkish tinge at the apex. The spore print color is a pale pinkish cream. The latex is white, non-staining and unchanging. Lactarius pubescens can be found in damp areas under hardwoods, especially birch. Taste is acrid. Edibility unknown. This is in the Russulacae family of the Russulales order.

Lactarius pubescens 0186

Lactarius pubescens var. pubescens