'Cantharelloid Fungi' refers to fungi having a vase or trumpet-shaped cap, sometimes with a depressed or even a hole in its center and a studier vein-like (as opposed to a gilled) hymenium from which spores gradually mature and are released into the environment. In this cantharelloid group are some fungi which happen to bear certain structural similarities with chanterelles, such as those in the gomphoid genera, Gomphus and Turbinellus. This is another example of convergent evolution. Despite having certian similar morpholocal features, no species in the genus Gomphus or Turbinellus is closely related to chanterelles. Both genera are in the Gomphales order, which includes the Clavariadelphaceae family of orange club-like mushrooms, the Lentariaceae family of coral-like fungi and the Gomphaceae family. In other words, species of Gomphus and Turbinellus, despite looking morphologically similar to chanterelles given their vase or trumpet shape and veined hymenium, they are much more closely related to some coral fungi and fairy clubs.
Clicking on the name of the fungus will bring you to photos and descriptions of the mentioned species.
Cantharellus phasmatis
CANTHARELLUS____appalachiensis,____cinnabarinus,____confluens,____enelensis,_____flavus, ____lateritius,____minor,____phasmatis,____velutinus
CRATERELLUS____cinereus,____fallax (cornucopioides),____foetidus,____ignicolor,____lutescens (aurora),____tubaeformis