Rhodofomes cajanderi (Fomitopsis cajanderi)  

Rhodofomes cajanderi (Fomitopsis cajanderi) 001824

Rhodofomes cajanderi (P. Karst.) B.K. Cui, M.L. Han & Y.C. Dai 2016 (Fomitopsis cajanderi)  

“Rosy Conk” Laterally fused fragrant fruiting bodies are saprotrophic on dead conifer wood and parasitic on living conifers. Rarely on hardwoods. When young, cap is finely hairy, soft, usually pinkish to pinkish-purple with a paler margin. As it ages, the cap surface becomes smooth and darker. The fruiting body eventually becomes tough and leathery. Pores are pink but color fades with maturity. Brown rot.  Perennial.   It is in the Fomitopsidaceae family of the Polyporales.

Fomitopsis cajanderi00129

Rhodofomes cajanderi (Fomitopsis cajanderi) 

Fomitopsis cajanderi01561

Rhodofomes cajanderi (Fomitopsis cajanderi)