Cortinarius camphoratus (Fr.) Fr. 1838
Cortinarius camphoratus is known by several different common names that reflect observations of the odor given off by this mushroom - camphor, goat cheese, decomposing meat, rotting potatoes, and/or smelly socks. The convex cap is buff with a hint of lavender and is covered with matted fibers. The cortina, or partial veil, is white. The inrolled margin unfurls as the cap expands with age. The gills are initially pale lavender, but become rust-brown as the spores mature. The solid fibrous stem is concolorous with the cap, and is typically wider toward the base. A similar-looking ‘cort' is Cortinarius traganus, which has a disagreeable ‘goat’ odor. Its cap is initially more lilac in color, dry, and silky feeling and becomes buff to rusty-brown with age. Its cortina is purple and its gill color is pale tanish violet to ochre-brown. The interior of the cap and upper stipe is yellow-brown with the exception of the brownish-violet base. Cortinarius camphoratus as well as Cortinarius traganus are mycorrhizal with conifers, particularly spruce. Both are considered mildly toxic. They are in the Cortinarius family of the Agaricales order.