LACTIFLUUS deceptivus Peck (Lactarius deceptivus)
has a large somewhat white to cream convex cap with an inrolled, cottony margin, and a sticky depressed center that becomes vase-shaped with maturity. It is dry, smooth, aging scaly, and stains brownish with yellowish areas. Gills are creamy-white, somewhat close and attached to slightly decurrent. The latex is white, voluminous and unchanging, but it stains the gills brown. Cap ‘hairs’ and stipe also bruise brownish. It is found under hemlock or oak in mixed woods. Look-a-likes include Lactarius piperatus (Lactifluus piperatus), which has extremely close gills, and Lactifluus subvellereus (Lactarius subvellereus), which lacks the cottony roll of tissue on the cap margin. This species is not considered edible due to it acrid taste and pungent odor. This is in the Russulacae family of the Russulales order.

Lactarius deceptivus

Lactarius deceptivus

Lactarius deceptivus
Lactarius deceptivus

Lactarius deceptivus

Lactarius deceptivus