Lactarius chrysorrheus  

Lactarius chrysorrheus 9877

LACTARIUS chrysorrheus  Fries 

 is a small to medium in size, has a cream to pale yellow- viscid cap, that is somewhat zoned with watery orange-cinnamon spots especially in the shallowly depressed central disc. The gills are cream colored. White flesh. Stem is off-white-pinkish and dry.  Slowly acrid white latex immediately turns bright SULPHUR YELLOW on contact with air. Pale yellow spores. Under oaks in late summer and autumn.  Similar to Lactarius vinaceorufescens, which is associated with conifers. Poisonous. This is in the Russulacae family of the Russulales order.

Lactarius chrysorrheus03374

Lactarius chrysorrheus

Lactarius chrysorrheus9610

Lactarius chrysorrheus

Lactarius chrysorrheus9612

Lactarius chrysorrheus