Lactarius camphoratus
Lactarius camphoratus (Fries) Fries 1838
The "Aromatic Milky" or "Curry-scented Milk Cap" is a small rusty-brown smooth, knobbed, moist cap that becomes sunken and dry with age. The gills are reddish-brown, close and attached to slightly descending the stipe. The stipe like the cap is rusty-brown and has hairs at the base. It is thin and becomes hollow. Its latex is thin, WHITE becoming watery whey-like and UNCHANGING. Can be found in mixed coniferous-hardwoods forests, often in moss during summer and autumn. FRAGRANT. Usually smells of maple syrup or burnt sugar, especially after drying. Taste is smoky, mild and somewhat sweet. This is in the Russulacae family of the Russulales order.

Lactarius camphoratus