Lactarius cinereus var. fagitorium  

Lactarius cinereus var. fagitorum01374

LACTARIUS cinereus var. fagetorum Hesler & A.H. Smith is small and has a sticky pale cream-gray-brown glabrous cap with a depressed darker sometimes olivaceous center and paler incurved margin, which becomes flattish and slightly vase-shaped at maturity. Gills are whitish then cream colored, close, narrow, or varying lengths and subdecurrent. Stipe is concolorous with cap only paler, especially at the apex, becomes hollow and base is slightly clavate. Latex white, but scanty to moderate and mild to somewhat acrid and dries pale cream. Spore print is cream. Found growing in association with beech summer through autumn. Inedible.  This is in the Russulacae family of the Russulales order.

LACTARIUS cinereus var. fagetorum