Lactarius psammicola var. glaber 

Lactarius psammicola v. glaber 2262

Lactarius psammicola var. glaber 

Medium to large fruitbody with viscid zonate orange and cream to buff cap. Has an inrolled margin and a depressed center and can become funnel-shaped with age. Gills are pinkish-buff, narrow, close, forked at stipe apex, and becoming a darker yellow-orange. Sometimes flesh bruises ponkish-brown. Stem is short and whitish with pot holes. Latex is sparse, whey-like and slowly stains gills pinkish-orange. Spore print is pinkish-cream. Taste of flesh is highly acrid. Inedible. Grows gregariously with hardwoods, especially oaks. This is in the Russulacae family of the Russulales order.

Lactarius psammicola f. glaber 2259

Lactarius psammicola var. glaber