Lactarius sordidus Peck 'Dirty-looking Milky’
Lactarius sordidus appears to be the similar or the same as the European Lactarius turpis. It is a medium sized zonate, dingy olive-yellow-brown, convex, glabrous cap with some pot holes and a darker depressed viscid center. As it expands it becomes vase-shaped. White latex stains the attached close whitish gills olive-green. The stem is brown with greenish-brown scrobiculations. Spore print is a dull white. Can be found in summer and fall. It is mycorrhizal with conifers. Taste is acrid. Probably toxic. This is in the Russulacae family of the Russulales order.
Lactarius sordidus, 'Dirty-looking Milky'
Lactarius sordidus, 'Dirty-looking Milky'