Fomitopsis mounceae Haight & Nakasone 2019
Analysis of DNA sequences of Fomitopsis pinicola gathered from Europe and a range of regions in N.A., indicates there are four clades going under this name, each being a distinct species. The European version named Fomitopsis pinicola differs from each of the 3 N.A. clades and require being fully desccribed and renamed. It has been determined that our northeastern species is Fomitopsis mounaceae. Saprotrophic. Brown rotter associated with mainly conifers. Rarely on hardwoods in conifer forests. This perennial polypore is a woody hoof-shaped conk with a shiny dark gray to red-brown cap surface and a paler yellow to white margin. It grows a new layer of tubes each year. The hymenium is cream to white. It is the type species for the Fomitopsidaceae family. ‘Fomitopsis’ means that it resembles species of Fomes. It is in the Fomitopsidaceae family of the Polyporales.
Fomitopsis mounceae, ‘Red-banded Polypore'
Fomitopsis mounceae, ‘Red-banded Polypore'