Cerioporus squamosus 

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Cerioporus squamosus (Huds.) Quelet 1886 Polyporus squamosus) 

‘Dryad Saddle’ is one of the first annual polypores to appear on dead hardwoods in spring (also fruits on occasion in summer and fall). It causes heartwood white rot. Fan-shaped, scaly cap surface, large whithish, angular pores, blackish lateral stem. Odor of water-melon rind. Considered mediocre in taste, especially by foragers who are fortunate enough to find morels. Can be quite delicious when prepared with other certain other foraged wild foods.

Soft outer edge of young fruiting body is best for cooking. Cook thin slices 4-5 minutes or longer.

It is in the Polyporaceae family of the Polyporales order.

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Cerioporus squamosus (Polyporus squamosus)